This new release (TidyTabs 1.12.1) is a minor update which introduces the following changes:

  • Fixed: application crashing when a malformed regex in entered in the rule editor.
  • Improved stability.

TidyTabs - Exceptions

This new release (TidyTabs 1.12.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Possibility to easily move groups back to their default positions.
  • New keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed: blacklist not working in some circumstances.
  • Improved stability.

This new release (TidyTabs 1.11.2) is a minor update which introduces the following changes:

  • Fixed a bug introduced in the version 1.11.1 causing compatibility issues with UWP apps.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Windows Virtual Desktops.

TidyTabs - Exceptions

This new release (TidyTabs 1.11.1) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Exceptions: a new much more powerful rule-based whitelist/blacklist function.
  • Possility to use regex for process name matching in the rules.
  • Fixed: initial position of an auto-grouped window can be incorrect if the window was previously minimized.
  • Improved stability.

This new release (TidyTabs 1.10.1) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Removed a dependency to VCRuntime140.dll inadvertently added in the latest version.

TidyTabs - Smart groups

This new release (TidyTabs 1.10.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Smart Groups: a new much more powerful rule-based auto-grouping function.
  • Revamped user interface.
  • Better per-monitor DPI scaling support.
  • TidyTabs now requires the .Net Framework 4.6.2 (previously 4.5) for its user interface. The background process is still 100% composed of highly optimized native code.
  • Fixed an issue causing configuration file corruption in rare circumstances.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.9.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • New group management functions and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts:
    • Possibility to close all the tabs from the same application.
  • Fixed: When a grouped window is moved with AquaSnap, the other windows of the group sometimes appears at the wrong location.
  • Fixed: Stability issue.

TidyTabs - Keyboard shortcuts

This new release (TidyTabs 1.8.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • New group management functions and their corresponding keyboard shortcuts:
    • Possibility to split a group in different ways.
    • Possibility to add the other windows from the same application to the group.
  • Fixed: The group sometimes loses the focus when a tab is closed.
  • Fixed: Incorrect position of the tabs after a fast windows movement.
  • Fixed: The tab previews should not be displayed when the right-click menu is open.

TidyTabs - Keyboard shortcuts

This new release (TidyTabs 1.7.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Preview content by hovering over a tab.
  • For maximized windows, we added a small delay before the appearing of the tabs to prevent accidental clicking on a tab when you want to click on the titlebar.
  • Fixed: When auto-grouping is enabled, the 'New tab' function sometimes adds the new tab to the wrong group.
  • Fixed: Drag & Drop preview briefly appearing at the top-right of the screen when you detach a tab.
  • Fixed: Incorrect ratio of the Drag & Drop preview.

This new release (TidyTabs 1.6.1) is a minor update which introduces the following change:

  • Fixed a problem with the Exclusion list.

TidyTabs - Keyboard shortcuts

This new release (TidyTabs 1.6.0) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Close tab button at the right of the tabs.
  • New tab button at the right of the tabs.
  • New entry in the tab's right-click menu to create a new tab.
  • New keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Win+T by default) to create a new tab.
  • Fixed: Application crashing when you double-click on a tab and try to drag it.


This new release (TidyTabs 1.5.1) is a major update which introduces the following changes:

  • Possibility to select a tab by dragging a file over it.
  • For tab titles containing a file path, the ellipsis ("...") is placed at the middle of the text rather that at the end, to make the path easily identifiable.
  • The commands of the tab's right-click menu are now displayed with their corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
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